Sequence.js Preloading IndicatorThree orange dots increasing in size from left to right
Sequence.js Preloading IndicatorThree orange dots increasing in size from left to right

Are you looking for an English translator who does justice to the text you have so carefully written in Dutch? I produce accurate, articulate translations which remain true to your text and reflect your tone and style.

Working for prominent museums, institutions and publishers, over the past thirty-five years I have translated some ninety books, countless articles, and a number of major catalogues and festival programmes.

I have come to specialise in photography, including early and documentary photography, while photography itself embraces a vast array of subjects. I have also worked extensively in architecture and the visual and performing arts, as well as in a variety of other areas, and I am happy to consider projects which require me to explore new fields of expertise.

My biography >

All my translations >

Recent work

A journey through the history of American Photography

Queries? Please contact me.